Psychological Testing
Psychological evaluations consist of a battery of standardized psychological tests, interviews, third party background information, and reviews of records. This provides a psychologist with information about a person’s level of functioning. Dr. O’Keefe offers psychological assessments which evaluate intellectual, academic, learning difficulties, neuropsychological, behavioral, emotional, and social issues.
Intellectual, academic, and neuropsychological testing look at a person’s potential to understand and apply new information. This aids in understanding what a person is capable of cognitively and whether there are any learning issues. Testing provides insight into any learning disorders, AD/HD, or emotional problems which are contributing to difficulties in school performance.
Emotional and personality testing measure how the person is functioning on an emotional level. The battery of tests Dr. O’Keefe uses look at all issues across the mental health spectrum. For example, you may have an individual who is presenting with oppositional or angry behavior. The testing can aid in understanding which emotional factors are leading to these kinds of behaviors. Often people who are acting out with oppositional behaviors are actually depressed and are acting out because they do not understand why they are feeling bad. Personality testing can also give information into how the individual relates to others, how they view the world, and what general expectations they may have of the world.
Dr. O'Keefe believes the true value of psychological testing is to provide a tool for aiding with developing a treatment plan. Testing will provide diagnoses in order to fully understand the needs of the person, as well as an understanding of their internal process which is not typically apparent on the outside. A full assessment can help the treatment team understand the level of care an individual needs in order to move the process along faster.
A full battery of psychological testing can be useful in determining difficulties such as the following:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Learning Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Nonverbal Learning Disorder
Thought Disorders
Substance Abuse/Dependence
Anger Issues
Violence Risk Assessment
Personality Disorders
Social Issues
Manipulative Behaviors
Executive Functioning
Academic Skills (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic)
Language Processing
Adjustment Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
Panic and Phobic Disorders
Impulse Control